I was tagged by Annabel, who did a list of 21 things about herself on her page
. She then tagged Katie and I, to also make a list of 21 things about ourselves. And I don't think I can be bothered to tag 21 people, so if you read this and want to do this; just blog it or comment this post for me to read.
I also don't think theres 21 interesting things about me?
1. One of my piercings has a fair amount of pus in it. I think it might be infected?
2. I think I have developed a crush on a fictional character from every book I've read and every movie I've watched.
3. When school gets to me, I think of my 'future plan/aspiration' with Annabel :)
4. I was bitterly dissapointed/devastated when I discovered Pokemon wasn't real, and that I could never be a
real Pokemaster. Same goes with wizards. And vampires.
5. I am destined to be alone forever.
6. I start worrying about my outfits to events the day I find out I'm going.
7. I set goals and to do lists for myself because i like crossing things off :)
8. The only reason I wanted my own car was so I could burn my own cd's and listen to good music when I drive.
9. I walk on my toes (I secretly do it to look taller)
10. I am a yoga and pilates enthusiast. Ohmmmmmmm.
11. Nothing shits me more than drivers that don't indicate (especially when they're merging)
12. My nail polish is ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL chipped. I know it's tacky, but I
don't do it on purpose.
13. The first thing I do when I wake up, is write in this little blue planner I have, what I dreamt of.
14. People tend to believe I was 'azn' in my former life. (and a nun)
15. Flat chested is best!
16. I read my horoscope every day
17. I lost my car in a carpark once. I couldn't remember where I left it lol *shrug*
18. I love movies! Probably because I always wish my life was like one?
19. I have a severe addiction/obsession. I can't shake it. It's actually a really big problem :S
20. Nothing in the world, literally nothing, compares to standing in a mosh, watching your favourite bands.
21. I'm really not that interesting.