Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i feel sick

i hate the fact that you're not yourself anymore. why do you need to impress them him. if he doesn't want you for who you are, then what makes him worthy?
nobody likes a fake. but then, i guess everyone's a liar.

Monday, February 23, 2009


i think i can, i think i can
i wish i could, i wish i could

Monday, February 16, 2009

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

I was tagged by Annabel, who did a list of 21 things about herself on her page. She then tagged Katie and I, to also make a list of 21 things about ourselves. And I don't think I can be bothered to tag 21 people, so if you read this and want to do this; just blog it or comment this post for me to read. I also don't think theres 21 interesting things about me?

One of my piercings has a fair amount of pus in it. I think it might be infected?
2. I think I have developed a crush on a fictional character from every book I've read and every movie I've watched.
3. When school gets to me, I think of my 'future plan/aspiration' with Annabel :)
4. I was bitterly dissapointed/devastated when I discovered Pokemon wasn't real, and that I could never be a real Pokemaster. Same goes with wizards. And vampires.
5. I am destined to be alone forever.
6. I start worrying about my outfits to events the day I find out I'm going.
7. I set goals and to do lists for myself because i like crossing things off :)
8. The only reason I wanted my own car was so I could burn my own cd's and listen to good music when I drive.
9. I walk on my toes (I secretly do it to look taller)
10. I am a yoga and pilates enthusiast. Ohmmmmmmm.
11. Nothing shits me more than drivers that don't indicate (especially when they're merging)
12. My nail polish is ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL chipped. I know it's tacky, but I don't do it on purpose.
13. The first thing I do when I wake up, is write in this little blue planner I have, what I dreamt of.
14. People tend to believe I was 'azn' in my former life. (and a nun)
15. Flat chested is best!
16. I read my horoscope every day
17. I lost my car in a carpark once. I couldn't remember where I left it lol *shrug*
18. I love movies! Probably because I always wish my life was like one?
19. I have a severe addiction/obsession. I can't shake it. It's actually a really big problem :S
20. Nothing in the world, literally nothing, compares to standing in a mosh, watching your favourite bands.
21. I'm really not that interesting.


words fail me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

of love and shadows

hands creeping up skirts in dark corners
head jobs in disabled toilets

Thursday, February 12, 2009


la la laaaa ^^,
i'm super happy!
i got my car woohooo
she's soooooooo cute!
&& you should hear my baby purrrrr


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

where'd it all go wrong, the list goes on and on

force them down, it's the only way out.

Monday, February 9, 2009



Sunday, February 8, 2009


i think it's hilarious that i don't remember writing my previous post, and that it makes about 0 sense.


Saturday, February 7, 2009


can't see five inches before my face
my head aches

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


you're my worst nightmare incessant thought. get out of my head.